
Coup d’Etat – A Necessary Tactic – Africa Must Unite Podcast # 80

“The NLC must be overthrown now. There is no other way, than by force, to liberate our country from neo-colonialism and its stooges.” Kwame Nkrumah, “Ghana: The Way Out,” Revolutionary Path

The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds you well and welcomes you to another Africa Must Unite Podcast. All this year we are focusing on the following theme: “Nkrumaism: Shining the Way Forward Through the Crisis in Today’s African World”.

Join us this month, August 2024, for our Africa Must Unite Podcast # 80 as we discuss “Coup d’Etat: A Necessary Political Education Tactic”.

Listen in as we examine the role a coup d’etat can have in increasing our political consciousness as a people, aiding us in our quest for Pan-Africanism.
We hope that you will share this podcast with your contacts.
“The true class enemy—the indigenous bourgeoisie,” Kwame Nkrumah, Class Struggle, p. 15

A Union of African Socialist States is not only possible; it’s on the horizon.

Forward ever!

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