
Africa Must Unite Podcast # 78 – Nkrumaism Shining the Way Forward to Our Liberation – What is Nkrumaism?

Discussants: Brothers Terrence and Neal

Pan-African and Revolutionary Greetings!

The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds you well and welcomes you to another Africa Must Unite Podcast. All this year we are focusing on the following theme: “Nkrumaism: Shining the Way Forward Through the Crisis in Today’s African World”.

Join us this month, June 2024, for our Africa Must Unite Podcast # 78: “What is Nkrumaism?”
Nkrumaism is an ideology named after Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah whose theory and practice yielded the greatest contribution to the African Revolution. It is the ideology that we in the PRSP believe can unite all African people in our struggle for liberation.

Brothers Terrence and Neal discuss seven (7) essential elements of Nkrumaism: Identity, Enemy, Objective, Philosophy, Ideology, Strategy, Tactics.

We hope that you’ll listen to and share this important podcast focused on the way African people can unite and struggle forward to their liberation.

“Only a united Africa can redeem its past glory and renew and reinforce its strength for the realisation of its destiny.” Kwame Nkrumah, “Speech to his Parliament,
 3 September 1965

A unified, socialist Africa is not only possible; it’s coming!

Forward ever!

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