
Africa Must Unite Podcast # 79 – How Nkrumaism Shines the Way Forward

Discussants: Brothers Terrence and Melvin

“There needs to emerge an ideology which, genuinely catering for the needs of all, will take the place of the competing ideologies, and so reflect the dynamic unity of society, and be the guide to society’s continual progress.” Kwame Nkrumah, Consciencism, p. 68

The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds you well and welcomes you to another Africa Must Unite Podcast. All this year we are focusing on the following theme: “Nkrumaism: Shining the Way Forward Through the Crisis in Today’s African World”.

Join us this month, July 2024, for our Africa Must Unite Podcast # 79 as Terrence and Melvin discuss “How Nkrumaism Shines the Way Forward” by emphasizing the quickest, surest means to our liberation: Pan-Africanism.

Click on one of the links below. Listen as they examine why other goals that are often promoted will not bring about liberation for global African people, e.g. “Buy Black”, supporting African businesses that, hopefully, give back to our communities; voting for a president/leader just because s/he looks like you and me but might not act in our interests; reparations which may be, for a while, helpful for some, or helpful for many, but will not liberate us.

Only a unified, socialist African can bring about that objective. And we are convinced that

A Union of African Socialist States is not only possible; it’s on the horizon.

Forward Ever!

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