
ELA-Zambia on Cyril and ANC

Black South Africans Betrayed Again: White Puppet Cyril Ramaphosa is ANC President, Continuity without Change!

By Comrade Mainda Simataa | ELA General Secretary comments on Cyril Ramaphosa | Lusaka Zambia | 18 December 2017 |
“South Africa belongs to the indigenous black Africans. The rest are only visitors who have overstayed – irritating settlers and unwelcome exploiters.”

Ramaphosa – White Power Behind a Black Face!
With South Africa’s Presidential elections looming ever nearer as 2019 draws closer, and with the Zuma-led Africa National Congress (ANC) shaking but still in a dominant political position, the long anticipated election of Cyril Ramaphosa as new ANC Party President, and therefore new messiah and defender of white South African’s business and economic interests; can only be described as betrayal continued! Ramaphosa’s election as ANC boss is nothing short of a great tragedy and blow to the hopes and liberation prospects of the majority of our suffering black South African brothers and sisters in the struggle for true freedom. The White monopoly capitalists of South Africa have always prayed for a capitalist friendly man to lead South Africa; and yesterday, they got their wish in Ramaphosa and they will move heaven and earth, every dollar and dime to get him elected as President come 2019! Ramaphosa is therefore nothing but white capitalist power hiding behind a black face!

Ramaphosa – grand traitor of the SA Black Nation
Cyril Ramaphosa is God’s gift to the past and present generations of White, Boer and now Indian capitalist exploiters who have forcibly made Azania (South Africa) their permanent home away from home, and to the exclusion of the black South Africans who collectively, own no more than 3% of land, while the whites retain 97% of it!
Thus, for the majority of the black poor, oppressed and landless majority of South Africans, Ramaphosa is a curse from the deepest pits of hell – a new stumbling block to freedom! It was Ramaphosa who was tasked by Mandela’s ANC to lead the CODESA negotiations of the political transitional program to South Africa’s rainbow nation, but he betrayed the black majority’s interests and served his own personal interests, and those of the ANC black elites! He literally single-handedly saved and preserved the crumbling Apartheid regimes economic interests by agreeing to the draconian provisions of the ‘Sunset Clause.’
The Sunset clause is a constitutional provision which ensured that the white minority could still retain and maintain economic power and control over the whole South Africa and its black majority. The clause protected minority (white) rights – rights to protect them from being dispossessed without compensation, of any property they owned – lands, mines and other assets that their white ancestors stole from the black nation of South Africa.
The new South African ‘Ramaphosa’ constitution thus reversed, nullified and liquidated the initial and radical 1950’s ANC Freedom Charter position, a position which promised to empower the economically and politically oppressed majority of black South African’s by repossessing and nationalizing all lands, mines, and banks to the people, and without compensation!

White Power, the Source of Ramaphosa’s Bloody Riches ($450 million net worth)
Ramaphosa, having once been a serious threat to the Apartheid regimes’ economic interests and stability in the mining sector; and also once a great grassroots mobilization asset to the ANC by virtue of having been leader of the black working class as Secretary General of popular National Union of Miners (NUM), he was quickly identified, targeted, courted and finally corrupted by white capitalist power. Today he is in bed with white power, he’s political strings are pulled by white power!
Suffice to say, for all his betrayals and sellout of the black people, Ramaphosa is today worth more than $450 million dollars cash, and owns a span of properties around the world. Today he does not speak for, or even represent the interests of the black poor and working classes. Ramaphosa is today a shareholder, stakeholder and board member in numerous white owned businesses in South Africa and abroad. In particular, he and his corrupt clique from the ANC, are the biggest beneficiaries from the so-called Black Empowerment scheme which simply transferred a chunk of shares from the white-owned companies to a few ANC black elites to shut them up!

Ramaphosa – the Butcher of Marikana
Ramaphosa has blood on his hands! Undoubtedly, the greatest scandal and exposure of Cyril Ramaphosa as a great traitor, betrayer and butcher of the black people of South Africa, is his role in the Marikana Massacre which claimed over 30 mine workers of Lonmin (London Mines), a Platinum producing mine in which Cyril is a board member. Cyril not only condemned the workers strike as criminal, but he also called for police to put an end to the strike which threatened his shareholders interests! The result was not something that Ramaphosa anticipated – police opened fire and over 30 miners were gunned down in cold blood. President Zuma had no apologies or any sympathy for the miners whose only crime was poverty, and to ask for a higher wage!

Today this Cyril Butcher of Marikana is President of ANC and presidential candidate for 2019! What good can come out of this man who has been a black puppet sellout through and through? What good can come out of a man who is so loved among the white minority and foreign exploiters of black South Africans? Whatever happens, one can be sure that the rich and vastly wealthy whites of South Africa will throw all the money at their puppet Ramaphosa to ensure he wins the 2019 Presidential election, and his victory will be their victory and assured maintenance of the state of black oppression!
The white capitalist exploiters cannot risk a Party like the EFF coming into power with Socialist and anti-white monopoly policies; so every white man, Boer and Indian who knows what is good for them will bet and spend big on Ramaphosa, the butcher and sellout of the black nation of Azania (South Africa)!

ELA therefore states unequivocally, and declares that South Africa and all the resources above and beneath its soils, like in every other African country, first and foremost belongs to the black indigenous nation and its children; who are then at liberty, if they so wish, to share some of the wealth with other non Africans.


Down with White and Indian Monopoly Capital!
Down with Ramaphosa and his Capitalist-controlled ANC!
Forward with the Economic Revolution!
Forward with the Black Struggle for true Freedom!
All Land and Political Power to the Black Nation!

The author of this article is a Socialist Revolutionary, leader of the ELA, and Secretary for the Africa Section of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency – RCIT | email: maindasimataa@gmail.com | Twitter @MSimataa |
You can find more on Facebook: Economic Liberation Association | Website: www.elazambia.org