Revolutionary Greetings, Africans:
The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds you all well and looking forward to the new year! We are delighted, once again, to share with you our most recent podcast: “Three Stages of the African Revolution: National Independence, Pan-Africanism, and Worldwide Socialism leading to Worldwide Communism. We hope that you’ll enjoy the discussion on the process involved in ensuring that Africans and struggling people everywhere will enjoy a world that guarantees that all of our needs will be satisfied.
As we move into 2020, the PRSP hopes to intensify its struggle to ensure that these three stages of the African Revolution will be achieved so that our people, struggling and dying everywhere on the globe, will be able enjoy a world which operates according to the principle: “from each according to her ability, to each according to her needs.”
Forward the African Revolution! Forward to next stage: a Unified, Socialist Africa!