
GarveyFest is on Saturday! Some Immediate and Short-Term Solutions for Our Youth!

Immediate and Short-Term Solutions

“But many powerful sons and daughters of Africa will shortly arise, who will put down vice and immorality among us, and declare by Him that sitteth upon the throne that they will have their rights; and if refused, I am afraid they will spread horror and devastation around.” Maria W. Stewart, abolitionist, “On African Rights and Liberty,” February 27, 1833

Although we know that a unified, socialist Africa (Pan-Africanism) is the only permanent solution to the exploitation and oppression of African people worldwide, we also know that we must develop a scientific plan to reach our objective. That plan must reflect immediate and short-term solutions. And since youth are the spark of the African Revolution, these solutions must teach our youth the tactics necessary to build Pan-Africanism. It’s not just that we must raise our youth, and not let capitalists raise them. It’s about raising them according to the Nkrumahist way of life: a life dedicated to the liberation of our People.

Immediate Solutions

1.       Show our youth, by our daily practice, the African world we’re struggling to bring into existence. Our youth hear what we say, but they see what we do. Live according to our traditional African principles of humanism, collectivism, and egalitarianism. Live the Nkrumahist way of life.

2.       Encourage our youth to join progressive, revolutionary organizations.

3.       Reflect our pride in our African selves in every way possible.

4.       Encourage our youth to study their history.

5.       Give the helm to our youth at times. One of the most difficult things for seasoned militants to do is to relinquish control, but it must be done. Mistakes will be made, but mistakes are an integral part of development.

6.       Get involved in mass struggles organized by the youth.

Short-Term Solutions

1.       Start an afterschool or weekend school for youth—in our houses, if need be—to politically educate our youth about our history, culture, and, most importantly, the only true way to complete and permanent liberation, i.e., Pan-Africanism.

2.       Annually, organize a youth conference within our own communities.

3.       Co-sponsored by a coalition of Pan-African organizations from throughout the world, organize “African Youth Speak Out” Pan-African Conferences for Global African Youth.

4.       Celebrate an annual African Youth Day on June 16th (Soweto Uprising) or on some other agreed upon historic date.