
Africa Must Unite Podcast # 34

Greetings Africans:
The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds you all well.  Guess who we are featuring this month?  You guessed it:  PRSP.  We are delighted to share with you many of the PRSP sponsored programs and activities other than the Africa Must Unite podcasts, such as our weekend school for children (Watoto Uhuru Shule) to teach our youth their history, culture and current reality; our annual calendar; our Nkrumaist Conferences, our GarveyFest celebrations, our Nkrumaist leaflets, and our grassroots organization campaigns.  In sharing the programs with you, you’ll hear the excitement in the voices of PRSP members like Brother Melvin, Kim and Pa Joof, and Brothers Neal and Maurice.
We hope that you will enjoy the podcast and share it with your contacts.
Forward ever to a unified, socialist Africa–the only permanent solution for the exploitation and oppression of African people no matter we happen to be born or live in the world.