
Africa Must Unite Podcast # 45 – Heed the Words of the Warriors – Women

Pan-African and Revolutionary Greetings Africans:
The Pan-African Revolutionary Socialist Party (PRSP) hopes that this email finds all of you safe and well.  We are happy to share with you, once again, our most recent Africa Must Unite Podcast: Heed the Words of the Warriors – Women.  Brothers Melvin and Terrence not only highlight the contributions of African women throughout the globe, but also remind us of many facts, one of which is stated below, and they issue a challenge to the listeners:
1.  Until the day of our enemy’s total destruction, we must show our people, by our practice, the society that we are struggling to bring into existence, a radically different society, a socialist society, because only by doing so will we build the army that will be strong and powerful enough to destroy our enemy and to build Pan-Africanism: a unified, socialist Africa.
2.  Struggle to think only egalitarian thoughts, to say only egalitarian words, to do only egalitarian deeds.  And we will win!
We hope that you will enjoy this podcast and share it with your contacts.
A unified, socialist Africa is not only possible; it’s coming!
Forward ever, Doreatha